The educational and cultural programs in the winter of 1399 (corresponding to 2021) narrate the relentless efforts amidst one of the darkest periods in contemporary history. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic gripped the world, transforming human life in every aspect, leading to the establishment of the Setaragan Zirak School.
This crisis not only harmed the minds and souls of people but also shook the educational system, ultimately leading to the closure of schools across Afghanistan in the 1399 academic year. In this context, the lack of necessary infrastructure deprived public school students of online education. The creation of such programs was both necessary and an opportunity to guide students who had missed out on education and prepare them for the 2021 academic year.
With the noble goal of serving the country’s education, the Setaragan Zirak School resolutely committed itself to launching free educational and cultural programs during the winter, thus paving a new path for the advancement of knowledge and learning. These programs, specially designed for both public and private school students, provided an opportunity for those who had fallen behind in their studies to re-engage with education and prepare for the upcoming exams.
Our programs included the following sections:
- There are remedial classes available for grades 1 through 6.
- English language classes
- Computer classes
- Remedial mathematics classes